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About Free Soul


As I was creating this blog
I wanted to share my own experiences with you
and I had some special intentions...

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... to create a website that will inspire you to make positive changes in your life and to give you some piece of advice on how to love yourself deeply...​

... to help you understand the importance of moving out of your mind and logical thinking (ego) and to start acting intuitively (heart), operating only from the level of pure, unconditional love...

... during hard times in your life (and there will be many of them) both, this page and the free soul community will be here to provide you with some kind of comfort and guidance towards obtaining your stronger self-confidence as well as trust in your own intuition...

... to ensure you that you are not alone and you can find people who have similar experiences here...

... to remind you who you are, where you come from, and to help you discover where you are headed (soul plan)...

... to confirm through my own experiences that there are things and events in this world that cannot be explained in a logical way, but they are true and real...

... to widen your consciousness and to share some piece of information about other dimensions and realities maybe still unknown to you (or rather temporarily forgotten)...

... to explore with you some special relationships between people and unbreakable connections at a soul level (twin flames)…

... to help you find the strength to stay on your path…

... to help you learn how to listen to your body, take care of it and love it...

... to share with you some quantum techniques that may help you work on your own spiritual and personal development...

... to make you realize that your existence here in this world is for a certain reason... that there is a bigger plan which involves the whole universe... that no one is neither better nor worse than you... that we are all one...

... to help you find your own happiness, peace, and joy in life and to prove you that it does not depend on any external factors...

And I will tell you a secret...

Most people on this planet do not believe that someone may be truly happy...
But you can... It is your personal decision to live your life aligned with your soul’s plan... It’s your personal decision to be happy…

I hope you’ll find some inspirations here.

About me


A few words about me

I have always been interested in the mysteries of the universe. I have had a feeling since childhood that there is so much to discover in this world. This is the reason why I decided to study Archeology. On the other hand, I also have an artistic soul and I like spending my time in a creative way. That pushed me towards Architecture and design. 

I am also a mother of two wonderful boys. Adventures, especially close to nature and wild animals, are our favorite entertainment. We love traveling and hiking along unknown, wild paths and then relaxing with the company of my furry four-legged friends and a good book. All these elements are parts of me, connections that my soul decided to experience in this very life.

But my deepest love has always been exploring everything that is paranormal, unknown, forbidden. I have been on the path of intense spiritual growth for several years, learning about myself and discovering things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. I have finished several workshops about energy healing, quantum hypnosis, divine guidance, meditation, OOBE techniques etc. The universe is still showing me new things to learn.


However, my own experiences at both physical and spiritual planes, and all the changes that took place in my life at different stages of my awakening, were my best lessons.


For some time I have been observing how my own experiences and lessons influence the people around me, give them inspiration for positive changes, show that you can live in a different way, without fear and insecurities, in harmony with the natural environment, loving yourself and others, making decisions from the heart level and not from the logical mind.

Life experiences may often be difficult. There are periods of time when it is hard to find peace and optimism. I went through it myself many times. Although, no external factor can give us happiness. We have to find it within ourselves.

When I realized that, all my reality began to slowly stabilize. I had reached such a level in my life that I was asked by my guides to share some of my lessons, thoughts, and downloads that I received in the form of this blog and to name it "Free Soul" as everything I have been through led me to my physical and spiritual freedom.


The very special task was to give as much information as I can about my own twin flame journey. It’s the fastest way to purify and heal your soul and heart, but it’s also a very difficult and often confusing path. Twins need special help and advice to stay strong and to continue their soul’s plan here on Earth.


In addition to writing texts, I am also active in energy healing, channeling, and quantum hypnosis.  These techniques help people connect with their higher self, and find answers to their questions. Each session is different, but they are all extremely magical. The understanding and relief that come to the people I work with give me special joy.

You can learn more about me on the blog page by following my next posts.

I invite you to visit the other tabs as well and to contact me via e-mail if you wish to.

I am very pleased that you are here.


I send you much love!


Alexandra FreeSoul


If you want me to continue my work

please support my website and donate



Thank You!

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Dedicated to my kids - Kassandros & Alkinoos 

- the reason I'm still here fighting for a better world...

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